Monday, January 4, 2016

Schatje’s Reading Challenge for 2016

It’s the beginning of a new year, so it’s time for reading resolutions and reading challenges.  I like the idea of 12 resolutions, one for each month, though I’m listing 15 suggestions so you can omit some that don’t appeal.

Read a play by Shakespeare. (2016 is the 400th anniversary of his death.)

Read a book you should have read in high school or university, but didn’t.  (It’s Moby Dick for me.)

Read a book that wins a major literary award during the year.

Read a book that you started but never finished; begin again and read it to the very end.

Read a classic children’s book.  (I’ve never read Alice in Wonderland.)

Read a book from a different genre than you normally read.

Read a classic from pre-1900.

Read a book that has always intimidated you.  (Finnegan’s Wake?)

Read a book that was banned at some time.  ( has a comprehensive list.)

Read a book originally written in a language other than English.

Read a book chosen for you by an adult close to you – spouse, partner, best friend, sibling.

Read a book which uses characters from a classic.  (Many authors have taken a beloved fictional work and written a sequel – or sometimes a prequel – based on their imaginings of what might have happened outside the pages of the original. See or or for some suggestions.)

Read a work of non-fiction by a favourite fiction author.

Read a novel that has a non-human main character or narrator.  (See my blog entry of November 25, 2015 for some suggestions.)

Read a novel written in the year in which you were born.

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