Monday, March 21, 2016

Canada Reads 2016 Debate Begins Today

Canada Reads 2016 begins today:   “5 books.  4 days of debate.  1 winner.  Five prominent Canadians chose a book they believe is the one novel all of Canada should read.  Over four days of live debate, they narrow the list down until only one remains.”

This year’s theme is starting over.  All five books centre on themes of transformation and second chances, stories about people choosing, or being forced to choose, a dramatically different course in life.
The five books are                  Birdie by Tracey Lindberg
                                                Bone and Bread by Saleema Nawaz
                                                                (See my review posted on January 29, 2016.)
                                                The Illegal by Lawrence Hill 
                                                                 (See my review posted on September 19, 2015.)
                                                Minister Without Portfolio by Michael Winter
                                                The Hero's Walk by Anita Rau Badami

Here you can find information about how to tune in to the debate:

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