Saturday, April 23, 2016

William Shakespeare 400

Today, April 23, is the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death.  It is also the 452n anniversary of his birth.

The Shakespeare Blog recently quoted a 200-year-old stanza, apparently part of an impromptu rhyme written and recited by Mr James Bisset at the celebration of Shakespeare’s birthday two hundred years ago, in Stratford’s Town Hall:

 “Revered be the season a Shakespeare appear’d,
Revered be the date of his birth.
Ever sacred the day, which two centuries since,
Snatch’d “the pride of all nature” from earth.”

Over the nine months since I began this blog, I’ve had a number of entries about The Bard.  On this auspicious anniversary, I thought I’d repost some of these.

On September 1, 2015, I made a list of Shakespeare-inspired novels:,

In the same vein, on October 10, 2015, I wrote about the Hogarth Shakespeare novels being released in 2015 and 2016:

On January 3, 2016, I challenged readers to read a Shakespeare play in this anniversary year:

On February 7, 2016, I recommended a single-volume Shakespeare:

On February 26, 2016, I suggested two useful books by Shakespeare scholars:

On the Ides of March, I listed some favourite quotations from Julius Caesar

On March 26, 2016, I wrote about Shakespeare’s skull being missing from his grave:

On April 7, 2016, I discussed the First Folio recently authenticated on the Isle of Bute in Scotland:

As the year continues, I will certainly be posting more about this greatest of English writers.

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