Thursday, July 28, 2016

Workplace Fiction by Women

I came across an interesting article in The New Yorker which I thought I’d share.
“The last two decades have seen a boom in workplace novels written by and mostly marketed to women, from books put out by major publishing houses, to cheaply produced small-press books, to self-published titles. If the author is a woman, workplace fiction is also domestic fiction, easily disguised as “chick lit,” “girlfriend literature,” or even “erotica.” Regardless of the packaging, these books provide mapping, contextualizing, and rich illustration of women’s working lives. They form a kind of counter-tradition of office literature, dealing with the same bureaucracies and white-collar doldrums that have inspired male novelists but reflecting the particular challenges and preoccupations of women in the workforce” ( 

The article mentions a number of books.  Workplace fiction by women is a genre that is particularly appropriate at the moment as Hillary Clinton tries to break the ultimate glass ceiling in American politics.  And if you are missing your workplace during your summer vacation, you might want to read one of the titles mentioned.

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