Saturday, October 28, 2017

Book Recommendations For/From Star Trek

I received a letter in the mail earlier this week, and I noticed that the Canada Post stamp on the envelope had a Star Trek captain on it:  Capt. Jonathan Archer, played by Scott Bakula, in the Star Trek: Enterprise series. 

That reminded me of a recent BookRiot article entitled “Book Recommendations for the Crew of the Original Star Trek Enterprise.”  Titles are recommended for all of the major crew members of the first Starship Enterprise:

My favourite Star Trek captain is Jean Luc Picard, played by Patrick Steward in Star Trek:  The Next Generation.    Perhaps it’s because Picard always seems to have a copy of The Globe Illustrated Shakespeare: The Complete Works by Howard Staunton with him.  Throughout ST:TNG, at least once in each of the seven seasons, Picard is reading the book, which he keeps in his ready room. Each appearance of this book is typically open to a different play and page with illustration.

A couple of years ago, the Barnes and Noble blog focused on some of Picard’s favourite books:   BookRiot even had an article about “Literary Moments in Star Trek: The Next Generation” (  My favourite episode from this series is the one entitled “Darmock” in which Picard uses the Epic of Gilgamesh to communicate with a Tamarian whose language is based on myths.

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