Monday, January 1, 2018

Schatje's Reading Resolution for 2018

In 2017, I posted 365 entries on this blog; that’s one entry for each day of the year.  I enjoyed being so diligent (or is that obsessive-compulsive), but I’ve discovered that, not surprisingly, all that posting took away from my reading time.  For instance, in 2016, when I posted less often, I read and reviewed 75 books; in 2017, I read and reviewed only 63 books – a dozen fewer! 

For 2018 I’ve decided to post much less, mostly just reviews of the books I read.  Besides reviews, prominent literary award long/shortlists and winners will be mentioned, though I expect that I will blog only once or twice a week.    

So my one and only resolution for the upcoming year is to read more.  It may be too ambitious a goal, but I will aim for  75 books. 

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