Monday, July 24, 2023

Review of EVERYONE HERE IS LYING by Shari Lapena (New Release)

4 Stars

When reading this domestic thriller, my mind kept quoting Sir Walter Scott:  “Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.”

Nine-year-old Avery Wooler goes missing.  The last known person to see her was her father William who lost his temper with his difficult daughter and slapped her.  He claims to have left the house so he could go cool off, but then she disappears.  As the police investigate, a lot of secrets are uncovered and many lives are turned upside down.

The novel offers multiple perspectives:  Avery’s parents and brother, several neighbours, a police detective.  Because there are so many characters, all of whom seem to lie about something, the suspect list is long.  Most of the people are not particularly likeable.  Neighbours even turn on neighbours.  The problem with having such a large cast of characters is that many remain rather one-dimensional. 

The pace is fast with new revelations and twists so I found my interest never wavered.  The ending is abrupt and leaves loose ends, but I thought it appropriate.  Anything more would be superfluous. 

My issue is with the thought processes, dialogue, and behaviour of one character.  Given the person’s age, the sheer wickedness and manipulativeness are not believable.  The reader must be willing to suspend disbelief.

This lack of realism is a flaw, but otherwise the book is very good.  It highlights the many secrets that can be hidden in a neighbourhood and the lies people will tell to protect themselves and others they love.  With short chapters, it’s a quick read that definitely entertains. 

Note:  I received an eARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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