Thursday, August 3, 2023

Review of BOUND by Vanda Symon

 3.5 Stars

This is the fourth book in the Sam Shephard series – a great companion on walks.

Following a home invasion, a man is murdered and his wife is bound and gagged, left to watch.  Two of Dunedin’s gangsters, suspected of the police shooting in Containment, are investigated, but Sam’s attention moves elsewhere when the body count continues to rise.

The plot follows the formula used in previous books:  Sam solves the case despite her being blocked and/or sidelined by her boss D. I. Johns.  As in the first three novels, Sam’s personal life provides complications.  This time there’s the illness of her father, the difficult relationship with her mother, and a development which will change Sam’s life forever. 

A favourite scene is Sam’s public challenging of her bullying boss.  However, it is becoming difficult to understand how he is able to get away with his abuse.  Surely such behaviour would not be tolerated in a work place, even a police station, in New Zealand? 

There’s a twist at the end that is unnecessary and just feels so wrong on many levels.  In particular, Sam’s behaviour towards her sister-in-law and her mother doesn’t make sense.  Considering Sam’s thoughts and feelings as revealed earlier, her confrontation is illogical.  I get that Sam is distraught and she does prioritize police work over her personal life, but really!!??

Of course the ambiguity of the ending, with two subplots unresolved, means readers will want to read the next installment.  Expectant is on my iPod ready for tomorrow’s morning walk. 

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