Mathews is a black Texas Ranger who ends up becoming involved in twin murder
investigations in East Texas. The body
of Michael Wright, a black lawyer from Chicago, is found in the bayou behind a
café owned by Geneva Sweet, a 69-year-old black woman. Three days later, the body of Missy Dale, a
white waitress in a nearby redneck bar, is found in the same bayou. Darren thinks the deaths are connected, though
“the order of the killings: black man dies, then
the white girl” doesn’t fit the “agreed-upon American script” in which a black
man commits an act of violence against a white woman and is then punished by
the white community.
Darren has
to deal with personal issues and obstacles in his investigation. Because he has refused to stop being a Texas
Ranger, his marriage is in difficulty.
This and a recent suspension have led to a serous drinking problem. The murders occur in a tiny rural town, and
the townsfolk and local law enforcement close ranks against an outsider. Then there’s Wallace Jefferson III, a local
white businessman and landowner who seems to have undue influence and whose bar
seems to be a gathering place for a chapter of the Aryan Brotherhood.
emerges as a credible and complex protagonist.
It is not his personal demons that are most interesting; instead, it is
his loyalty to Texas that stands out. “He
was Texas-bred on both sides, going all the way back to slavery” and “What they
were not going to be was run
off.” Ironically, “The belief that they
were special, that they had the stones to endure what others couldn’t, was the
most quintessentially Texas thing about them.
It was an arrogance born of genuine fortitude and a streak of
hardheadedness six generations deep.”
Darren had been taught that “You could run, wouldn’t nobody judge you if
you did. But you could also stay and
fight. . . . ‘The nobility is in the fight, son, in all things.’” He sees his job as a way of fighting for the
right of blacks to claim a home in Texas:
“’The badge was to say this land is my land, too, my state, my country,
and I’m not gon’ be run off. I can stand
my ground, too. My people built this,
and we’re not going anywhere.’”
The one
character who is not credible is Randie, the widow of Michael Wright. She arrives to claim her estranged husband’s
body and wants to know what happened.
She is a career woman, “a fashion photographer, rather sought after
around the world” yet she behaves in an unconvincing way. For instance, she walks into a redneck bar
alone and doesn’t understand the hostility she encounters? As a black, she has never experienced
prejudice?! She is an independent woman
who has travelled the world but she is reduced to a screaming, trembling
There is
considerable commentary on the issue of race and justice. Though one of Darren’s uncles believed that
“the law would save [blacks] by protecting
us – by prosecuting crimes against us as zealously as it prosecutes crimes
against whites,” another uncle stated “the law is a lie black folks need
protection from – a set of rules that
were written against us from the time ink was first set to parchment.” “For black folks, injustice came from both
sides of the law, a double-edged sword of heartache and pain” because “for
every story about a black mother, sister, or wife crying over a man who was
locked up for something he didn’t do, there was a black mother, sister, wife,
husband, father, or brother crying over the murder of a loved one for which no one was locked up.” And then there’s this telling statement about
the current state of affairs:
“[Darren’s] uncles adhered to those ancient rules of southern living,
for they understood how easily a colored man’s general comportment could turn
into a matter of life and death. Darren
had always wanted to believe that theirs was the last generation to have to
live that way, that change might trickle down from the White House. When in fact the opposite had proved to be
true. In the wake of Obama, America had
told on itself.”
The ending
of the book suggests that there could be a sequel or that this is the first of
a series featuring Darren Mathews. I
will definitely be looking out for any follow-up or any future books by this
author because she provides the reader with a great story and food for thought
as well.
Thank you for your insight! I'm doing research on this book for an English class and I want to discuss some of these thoughts with my class.