14: Everything I Never Told You by
Celeste Ng
The point
of view is third person with the perspective shifting from one family member to
another. These transitions between characters and time periods are done
smoothly. In the end readers know the characters better than they know each
other because we learn everything they have never told anyone else. Even
Lydia’s viewpoint is included, so the reader knows her better than anyone else
in the family. The siblings prove to be quite perceptive about their lost
sister, but they too are missing pieces of the puzzle.
A major
theme is the lack of understanding due to poor communication. There are so many
missed opportunities for connections; feelings are not expressed “to ensure the
terrain of the family did not change” (161). It is not just Lydia who kept
secrets; everyone in the family has secret desires and motivations. James and
Marilyn, for instance, do not discuss the past; when they married they made a
pact “to let the past drift away, to stop asking questions, to look forward
from then on, never back” (49). Hannah, the youngest child, often “vanishes
into her room without a word” (68), her bedroom being “in the attic, where
things that were not wanted were kept” (160). Nath and Lydia have a strong bond
at first; the brother “as the only other person who understood their parents .
. . had absorbed her miseries” (168); however, Lydia’s position as the favoured
child causes Nath to become resentful and their relationship deteriorates.
theme is how our pasts affect our lives and those of our children though we may
think otherwise. Because of their upbringings, the parents take actions that
impact their family; several times, for instance, we are reminded that
Marilyn’s absence from her family for nine weeks had an influence for ten
years. Certainly James wants Lydia to be popular because as a child he had no
friends, and Marilyn wants Lydia to become a doctor because she was not able to
do so. And much of Lydia’s behaviour is explained by her having “absorbed her
parents’ dreams” (160).
is another theme. James feels he is not accepted because he is a visible
minority, and certainly he has received his share of taunts. His children, the
products of a biracial marriage, are also subjected to racial slurs. The
newspaper headlines announcing “Oriental Girl Found Drowned in Pond” (60)
highlight societal attitudes.
What is
particularly impressive about the book is its realism. Because we are given
characters’ backstories, their motivations and behaviour are totally
understandable. How they react makes perfect sense.
I highly
recommend this novel. Its three-dimensional characters, realistic plot, and
thematic development make it a book of exceptional literary quality.
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